Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

HEE address: 
Ostrohradskoho Str., 2, Poltava, 36003, Ukraine
HEE Phone: 
+38 (0532) 56-23-13
HEE website: 

Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is one of the oldest pedagogical higher educational institutions in Ukraine. It was founded in 1914 as a teacher training institution, which prepared teachers of a wide professional background without division into major subjects. Over time, the institute has acquired the status of a national university through time changes and reorganizations and in general more than 50 thousand qualified educators of various specialties, scholars, writers, and artists were educated in here during more than a century of our history. Among them we take pride in our famous educators as A.S. Makarenko and V.O. Sukhomlynskiy. Currently the university has 7 faculties and 36 departments. The educational process is provided by the teaching staff of a total of 366 people, including 47 doctors of sciences, professors and 233 candidates of sciences, associate professors.

Preparation of competitive applicants for higher education is carried out within 43 specialties for bachelors and masters programs, 10 specialties for doctors of philosophy and 4 specialties for doctorates. The university successfully facilitate Scientific schools, the most powerful in its personnel potential and research results are scientific schools in the field of theory and history of pedagogy, theory and methodology of vocational education and labor education, psychology, history of Ukraine, religious studies, Ukrainian linguistics, literary studies, botany , Ecology, physics, etc. The university staff initiated the issues of 10 collections of scientific works annually. Our institution hosts international and all Ukrainian scientific conferences and symposiums. The main directions of scientific research are related to the development and improvement of professional training of teachers for a new generation.

About student campus: 

There are four dormitories with 1,300 places located on the campus territory of the University. The rooms are equipped with all necessary facilities, there is a kitchen and utility places on every floor. The right to be a student tenant is stopped when his education program is finished, when a student is resigned or dismissed. The students who have different privileges are considered obligatory.

HEE profile: 
Pedagogical higher educational institution
Levels of training: 
Doctor of philosophy
Doctor of science
Preparatory courses for foreigners: 
Admission board contact information : 
Responsible secretary of the admissions committee: Oleksii Khorolskyi Telephones of the admissions committee: +380532 52 58 37, + 64 42, + 85 79 E-mail of the admissions committee: [email protected] Address: 36003, Poltava, Ostrohra
Centre for post graduate/doctoral training : 
Teaching in English language: 
Fields of education: 
Computer science and information technologies
Culture studies
Elementary education
History and archeology
Musical arts
Physical education and sports
Preschool education
Professional education (according to specialties)
Religion studies
Sciences about the Earth *
Secondary education (according to subjects)
Social work
Visual arts, decorative arts, conservation
Vocational training
Form of ownership: 
Ukrainian region: