My student life in TNPU. Ternopil. Ukraine

Anastasiia Yuriv

Hi there. I am eager to share my love to Alma mater and my faculty with you.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Anastasiia Yuriv. I am 20 years old. My hobbies are travelling, reading psychological books and sports. But there is one more aspect of my life, which plays an extremely important role for me. It is English. I am very grateful to my family that they chose Ternopil Specialized in Studying foreign languages school №3 for my studying. From the primary school, English has become my favourite subject. Over the years my love to different languages has just become bigger and bigger. I began studying French as a second language.  This led me to the faculty of foreign languages in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. This university is located in an amazing place with campus and very green area. No wonder TNPU is one of the most beautiful buildings in Ternopil.

From the first day I entered Alma mater, my life has become hectic and filled with unforgettable emotions. The reason for it is that I am the monitor of the group and an active student of my faculty and university in general. Now I am a BA undergraduate.  To be honest, I remember every day of these 3 years. I have the opportunity to become a professional English teacher and reveal all creative potential. My group mates and I have organized a lot of performances. We took part in the university concerts and charity events. Personally, I enjoyed every such event. I took an active part in the organization of every Faculty day and initiation of freshmen. I also got acquainted with a lot of gifted and excellent students who inspire me by their work and outlook every day. These days are worth studying in my lovely TNPU. One of the best moments is the translation of some papers for university. It helped me improve the level of written English. It is unnecessary to say about our Olympiads, which brought me winning places and bright emotions. Moreover, now I am studying two languages: English and German but I can also speak Polish, Russian, French and Italian a little.  Other disciplines are important and useful for the future life as well.

My student life in TNPU. Ternopil. Ukraine

A lot of school-leavers doubt which university to choose, being afraid of making a wrong choice. I am totally satisfied with TNPU. All our tutors and teachers are highly-skilled professors. The factor of professionalism is one of the key elements in their work. And the fact that all of them have C1-C2 level is, definitely, winning and persuasive. They know how to find the approach to every student individually. I always appeal to them when something is unclear or I just need a consultation with a piece of advice. I am strongly convinced that university lecturers and professors are something more than just teachers. For me they are real supporters and even friends. I adore the combination of lectures, seminars and creative tasks. It is the best way to teach students and help them be open and interested in learning English. Native speakers are an integral part of the process of learning languages. We have a lot of possibilities to communicate with them. Very often we hold meetings and trainings. Moreover, our university offers a great number of exchanging programs.  You have a unique opportunity to study simultaneously in TNPU and in the USA, France, Austria, Poland and other countries. I also think about one of all these amazing programs. It is a great chance to see the world and get smarter, isn’t it?!

As you may guess, my studying at the faculty is almost brilliant. I am sure that after getting my Master’s degree I will certainly be ready to work with people and share my knowledge. Yet it is not all. I cannot skip the culture and entertainment part of the university system. TNPU is the source of inspiration for my creativity. I have written a lot of scenarios, taken parts in theatrical performances and organizations of flash mobs. Believe me, student life is actually one of the most memorable parts of the entire life. I met incredible personalities and I hope to meet even more. Every day is special and unique because I can combine studying with social work.

Anastasiia Yuriv. My student life in TNPU. Ternopil. Ukraine

To sum up, I can say that Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University is worth studying. I am sure that all our achievements and progress are deserved. My rector, dean, teachers and every representative of the university staff reveal all hidden talents and help me get deeper knowledge. I love TNPU very much.

Anastasiia Yuriv

